Episode 8: Survival
Please excuse any typos or other errors. Actually don’t excuse them…just give me a heads up about them. Feel free to comment on anything or ask questions below.
June 22, 2022
Who shot at Lico’s dad?
One thing I knew I had to do was revisit the opening scene from Episode 1, in which Robert Chambers is trying to kidnap Lico Miller’s dad in Paso Lajitas, the little town across the river in Mexico from the now resort town outside of Terlingua, Lajitas. We left listeners thinking that Sheriff Rick Thompson crossed the Rio Grande to help Chambers and ultimately turn over Lico and his brother to brutal Mexican police. But it wasn’t the sheriff–or at least Lico, his family present at time, and me don’t think so. Lico remembered the wiry figure with the badge announcing he was the sheriff, and we don’t know why this person would have done that, but the guy didn’t look enough like the sheriff.
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